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Baked Tomato and Egg

A simple and unique breakfast food.


3-Minute Read

Baked Tomato and Egg

This post contains instructions on how to make savory and delightful baked cheesy Eggs encased in Tomatoes. Prep time is about 10 minutes, and cook time is 25 minutes per batch.


In this post I make two portions, here are the ingredients for each individual portion:

Ingredient Amount
Beefsteak Tomato 1
Standard Chicken Egg 1
Scallions/Green Onions 1
Mozzarella 15g
Any Other Cheese 15g
Olive Oil Varies
Salt and Pepper Varies

*Evenly shaped Tomatoes are better

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And as for tools, you will need:

  • A Baking Pan
  • Cutting Board
  • Parchment paper
  • Shredder

Preparation (~10 min)

To start, first preheat your oven to 392 °F (200 °C). You want your oven to reach this temperature by the time you’re done preparations. Then begin by taking your Tomatoes and slicing tops off. You don’t want the tops to be too thin, as your Tomatoes will be standing on them later on when they are placed in the oven.

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Next, you want to grab a spoon and scoop out the insides of the Tomatoes (If there is a lot of resistance, use a knife to cut the inner supports). Feel free to reuse the insides later, or just eat them.

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Grab your scallions and chop the long green ends off. After chopping, proceed to dice them into small pieces.

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Take the diced scallions and put them into the hollow Tomatoes. Make sure to leave some room for the cheese and egg.

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Take your Mozzarella and slice it so that it fits into the Tomato. Then, place these slices into the Tomatoes right on top of the diced Scallions.

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Crack your eggs and place them into the Tomatoes. It’s okay if the Egg starts spilling off the side if your Tomatoes aren’t big enough, this has happened to me a lot. To mitigate this, try to slowly pour the Egg whites into the small openings inside the Tomato (if there are any), and have the yolk rest right on the Mozarella.

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Next, season your eggs with salt and pepper based on your own personal preferences.

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Finally, take your secondary cheese of preference and shred it. Then, place the shredded flakes over the Eggs. Once this is done, you are ready to begin baking.

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Baking (25 min)

Around this time, your oven should be reaching the desired temperature. Before placing your Tomatoes in the oven, we need to line some parchment paper over a baking pan and coat it with Olive oil. You can simply do this using some paper towel by spreading the Oil evenly over the area where the Tomatoes will go.

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Once coated, place the tops you cut off of the Tomatoes in the beginning on the sheet, and balance the Tomatoes on them so that they stand.

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Now that the Tomatoes are ready to go, carefully place them in the oven and wait about ~25 minutes for them to bake (and hope that they don’t fall off the tops).

After waiting, take your Tomatoes out and bask in all of their melted cheese glory.

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It is possible that some of the Egg may spill over the side and fall off the Tomatoes, so the presentation skill ceiling for this recipe is moderately high.

After letting your delicious creations cool off, place them onto a plate and enjoy!

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